Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from 24 The Music Trade Review Regal Go. Introduces the New Octofone Instrument Combines Tonal Values of Tenor Guitar, Tenor Banjo, Ukulele, Taropatch, Tiple, Mandolin, Mandola and Mando Cello January 21.The Octofone or "eight purpose" instrument, which was introduced by the Regal Musical Instrument Co. this week, has aroused a great deal of attention among the jobbers and dealers who are in the city and who visited the plant at 3211 G r a n d avenue to see the first samples. As the name suggests, the Octofone enables the player to take advantage of the most harmonious tone combinations of any and all of the following eight instruments: tenor guitar, tenor banjo, ukulele, taro patch, tiple, mandolin, mandola and mando cello. Accompanying e v e r y instrument is a little booklet of instructions on how to use, how to tune and how to play the Octofone and an unusual Regal Octofone combination of delightful tones is produced when the instructions are followed. The use of the Octofone as a tenor banjo or tenor guitar as well as the other instruments is accomplished through special tuning explained in detail in the folder that accompanies the instrument. The use of the Octofone as a doubling instrument or a practice instrument for the home offers a wide field for increased sales among beginner players, advanced ukulele players as well as the professional. The latter will use it to advantage in orchestra work as a doubling instrument, while the amateur will find it a delightful solo instrument or an accompaniment for voice, the voice or solo instrument with the piano. In addition to the eight purposes of this CHICAGO, III., unique instrument, it is made in an unusually attractive design of the best materials with the Regal standard of workmanship. Quoting the expression of the officials of the company, it is destined to put "new life into the musical merchandise trade." Prominent Trade Figures Visiting in Chicago Past Week Brought Large Number of WeilKnown Men to Musical Merchandise Trade of Chicago CHICAGO, III., January 21.The past week has been an active one in local musical merchandise circles with an unusually large number of outof-town manufacturers and jobbers and their representatives visiting the trade here. Among the visiting tradesmen have been Charles Sonfield, C. Bruno & Son, Inc., New York; Fred Gretsch, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Henry Gerson, Carl Fischer, Inc., New York; Harry Meyers, Epiphone Banjo Corp., Long Island City, New York; M. Stein, William R. Gratz Import Co., New York; Dr. Karl Fuchs, Bohland & Fuchs, Graslitz, Czecho-Slovakia; James Boyer, C. G. Conn, Ltd., Elkhart, Ind.; William Brenner, Gretsch & Brenner, New York; Felix Baer, Buegeleisen & Jacobson, New York; Jack Schwartz, J. Schwartz Music Co., New York; Frank Howard, J. W. Jenkins Sons Music Co., Kansas City, Mo. Fire Failed to Check Melody Holiday Trade VICTOR TALKING MACHINES CBruno &Son &%c »5I*3d» FOURTH AVE - N.V.C. NEWSold Only by Music Dealers Gold Medal Strings TUXEDO for musical instruments Gold-plated Steel and Wound Strings Gibson Musical String Co. B *JKIle SEND FOR TRADE PRICE LIST OF MEMPHIS, TENN., January 21.The Melody Music. Shop, which suffered a disastrous fire a few days before Christinas that ruined most of its stock, still was able to do a good holiday business due to the enterprise of Saul Bluestein, the proprietor, who rushed into temporary quarters and carried on with a vim. Although still in temporary quarters, business is good. NA2ARETH.PA. O MARTIN (Millars. Mandolin*. for Violin, Viola, 'Cello and Bass Manufactured by NICOMEDE MUSIC CO. Altoona, Pa. Effect of Temperature on Instruments' Pitch ELKHART, IND., January 21.The effect of temperature on band and orchestra instruments should not be disregarded by music dealers, says Harry Lewis in the latest issue of True Tone, the monthly musical journal of the Buescher Band Instrument Co. Band instruments are tuned to A440 in an even temperature at 70 degrees Fahrenheit at the Buescher factory. He points out that a cold instrument will be flat in pitch while pianos and stringed instruments are just the opposite. Mr. Lewis also shows how it is possible for instruments that are played out of tune to be the fault of the player and the article contains much material of interest to dealers in helping their sales stories. The issue has among its features an editorial by Percy Grainger: "Music in Our Schools and Homes," by Mrs. Ruth Haller Cutaway; an article on community concert bands; "Self-Help in Music Study," by Clifford Bloom; "Meyer Davisthe Musical Midas"; "Saxology," by Harry W. Lewis. ESXABUSMCD l » 3 « The twin-face cloth for cleaning and polishing Saxophones, Trumpets, Banjo and Drum Rims, etc. Highly recommended by the leading manufacturers. Retail price SOc. PHILADELPHIA, PA., January 21.By special request from Pat Conway, noted band leader, H. Benne Henton, Philadelphia distributor of the Conn Band Instruments, and famed as a saxophonist, was a guest at the broadcasting station WEAF, New York, last week when the General Motors Family Party program was featured. Mr. Henton who formerly was associated with Director Conway, is head of the Henton-Knecht Co., among the leading distributors of band instruments in this city with a unique studio attached to the establishment for teaching all instruments, and a large staff of instructors. The firm also distributes the Leedy drums and its allied instruments. Announcement recently was made to the local firm of the completion of the new factory extension of the Leedy Co. A very popular seller in recent times in the band instruments made by the Conn Co. was the metal clarinets which that manufacturer has perfected. The distribution of these has been extended in the past year. Buegeleisen & Jacobson, importers and wholesalers of musical merchandise, 5-7-9 Union Square, New York, are issuing a special supplement catalog for distribution to their dealers. This bulletin lists a number of important items for this season of the year with certain numbers that are being closed out at prices that should be attractive to the dealer. Samuel Buegeleisen, head of the house, urges dealers to give this supplement some study in arranging for merchandise purchases that will enable them to start the year off with some good selling numbers. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Polishing Cloth Head of Henton-Knecht Co., Philadelphia, Noted Saxophonist, Broadcasts During General Motors' Hour Leading Article in Buescher "True Tone" Interesting Discussion of This Topic by Harry Lewis Dependable WHOLESALE H. Benne Henton on Radio With Conway's Band Buegeleisen & Jacobson Issue Supplement Catalog OLDEST AND URGOr NOUS IN UK ONLY CATALOG ON APPLICATION JANUARY 28, 1928 MULLER & KAPLAN 154 East 85th St., N. Y. O" NAZARETH, PA Q
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