International Arcade Museum Library

Music Trade Review

Issue: 1927 Vol. 84 N. 23

Music Trade Review - 1927 Vol. 84 N. 23 - Page 14 - Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from 14 The Music Trade Review Acquirement of American Piano Supply Expands Hammacher-Schlemmer Facilities Business to Be Conducted Under the Name of the American Piano Supply Co., Division of Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co., at 110 West Thirteenth Street, New York /CONSISTENT with its steady growth dur i n g nearly eighty years, the wholesale supply house of Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co., New York, has stepped up another rung on the ladder of progress with the recent acquisition of the business and good-will of the American quarters of Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co., is now leased for a period of years by the latter, and all four floors will be utilized for the storage of piano supplies and offices. The business will be conducted under the name of the American Piano Supply Co., Division of Ham- | William Schlemmer § Piano Supply Co., Inc., Bristol, Conn. Since that transaction was completed, the piano hardware department of Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. has been moved to the building at 110-112 East Thirteenth street, which was occupied for many years by the American Piano Supply Co. This building, situated just east of the head- | William F. Schlemmer | macher, Schlemmer & Co. William C. Hess, who has been identified with the American Piano Supply Co. for the past twenty-seven years, will have full charge of sales for the division and the personnel will include the principal individuals from the company he directed as well as the sales force of the old Ham- Hotel Stevens, Fifth Floor Room 55 7A UDELL JUNE 4, 1927 macher & Schlemmer Co. piano hardware department intact. Louis Schmidt, who has been connected with Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. for about thirty years, will take charge of all purchases of raw and finished materials. By such a combination of two of the largest piano supply houses in the country, the piano industry will derive a permanent benefit in the pooling of the experience and the sharing of trade ideals of both establishments. A greater quantity and variety of materials will be kept on hand at all times, due to the increased facilities for storage and the elimination of duplicate stocks carried by the two concerns in the past. The expansion of Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. in the piano supply field marches hand in hand with its progress in the hardware field at large. This house, whose main building at Fourth avenue and Thirteenth street has become a local landmark, will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of its founding in 1928. The company has built up a wide following through the appeal of its extensive advertising, featuring the Hammacher & Schlemmer gnomes, which represent industry and service. Some interesting facts concerning the development of the company were brought out for The Review recently by William H. Siebert, secretary and credit manager, who has been identified with Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. about twenty-two years. The success of the organization is attributed chiefly to the vision of its founder, William Schlemmer, who directed the destiny of the company for nearly sixty years. At his death, in 1916, at the age of seventy-three years, he was succeeded by his son, William F. Schlemmer, who has been president of the company since that time. Both father and son were hard workers, entering business at an early age and putting in year after year of solid effort. A foundation of good faith was laid by William Schlemmer, who was a most genial man, always approachable by and of his employes, and this democratic and honest policy has been carried out consistently by his son. The business now includes a large, eightstory warehouse at 126 East Twelfth street, part of which is utilized for piano supplies in addition to the four-story building on Thirteenth street. Combined Wurlitzer Exhibit Planned for Convention That Industry Will Display Unusually Extensive Line of Instruments of All Types, Including Period Models You arc invited to a special showing of the most comprehensive and beautiful line of Radio Cabinets and Tables in America You will see Cabinets in the popular periodsthe latest finishes and for all the leading receiving sets. THE RADIO TRADE SHOW JUNE 13TH-17TH CHICAGO, ILL. HOTEL STEVENS FIFTH FLOOR, ROOM 557-A THE UDELL WORKS, Indianapolis, Indiana Established 1873 U. S. A. The exhibit of the Wurlitzer Grand Piano Co. and the Rudolph Wurlitzer Mfg. Co. at the convention, June 6 to 9, will be under the name of the Wurlitzer Piano Factories, which are located at DeKalb, 111., and North Tonawanda, N. Y., respectively. Exhibition space will be Suite 600, Sixth Floor, Hotel Stevens. The following officers and salesmen will be present at the exhibit: Walter H. Wendell, vice-president; Cyril Farny, vice-president; E. H. Petering, sales manager; Gordon Laughead, sales manager; M. R. Williams, Charles E. Howe, J. T. Morgan, Stephen Battner. The Wurlitzer Factories are exhibiting a line of studio upright pianos, player-pianos, grand pianos, all sizes from four feet nine inches in length to six feet, and a complete line of reproducing pianos. The features of the upright line will be several attractive period designs, together with a special exhibit on the Wurlitzer Uniplate and the Wurlitzer metal action. The special feature of the grand piano exhibit will be the new Wurlitzer Spinette and Clavichorde models recently announced in Liberty magazine and in twenty-five of the leading papers throughout the United States by Wurlitzer dealers and stores. Consult the Universal Want Directory of The Review. In it advertisements are inserted free of charge for men who desire positions.

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